seo-ppc-equally-strongArticle by

Many marketers choose to focus on either SEO or PPC, when in reality, they need to be focusing on both areas to expand their business and increase profits. Although both methods of getting traffic are equally strong, many choose to do one or the other. Contacting a search engine marketing agency may be a great start to boost your site, but you’ll need to put your eggs into various baskets in case your site drops in rank or gets penalized.

Having a search engine marketing service rank your website high on the first page of Google or Bing is often seen as the pinnacle of free traffic. Some may have you believe that this “free” traffic is a justifiable reason to avoid PPC. In reality, you have to pay hosting, website, and service fees just to get to get to the top. In time, this could end up costing the same amount as a PPC campaign.

PPC on the other hand doesn’t tout itself as being free. Marketers are aware that money is needed to get traffic to their business using this method. PPC is equally as powerful as getting traffic through the search engines, and it can even be more so with the right optimization.

The best course of action is to start with PPC or contact a search marketing agency to begin the flow of traffic to your site. When you feel that you have sufficient traffic going to your site with one strategy, then start to build upon that momentum with another. When you have a high-ranking webpage and a perfectly optimized PPC campaign, you’ll see that both strategies are premium sources of traffic with a high rate of return.

Search-Engine-Optimization is a search engine optimization agency that improves visibility through Google, and other major search engines.

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